Sweet Grass Dental Associates


Earth Day

April 25th, 2023

The idea for Earth Day was the brainchild of Gaylord Nelson, a senator from Wisconsin. He envisioned an Earth Day that would be a kind of environmental teach-in. The first Earth Day celebration took place on April 22, 1970, and a surprising 20 million people participated on that day. Ultimately, it became the largest organized…
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Curious About Cavities?

April 24th, 2023

Part of every dental checkup is making sure all of your teeth are strong and healthy. Dr. Van Tassell and Dr. Alleman will have you open wide to look at your teeth, use special little mirrors to get a good look around each tooth, and take X-rays to make sure your teeth are healthy both…
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April is National Facial Protection Month

April 5th, 2023

The Importance of Facial Protection Americans from all walks of life should mark April as National Facial Protection Month on their calendars. The American Association of Pediatric Dentistry, Academy for Sports Dentistry, American Academy of Pediatric Dentistry, and American Association of Oral and Maxillofacial Surgeons have combined forces to sponsor this annual campaign, which aims…
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First Filling?

March 29th, 2023

It’s your child’s first filling at our Fort Collins office, and perhaps you’re both a little nervous. Your child doesn’t know what to expect, and you want to make sure this is a positive experience. We have some suggestions that might help both of you! Partner with Your Child’s Dentist Because a pediatric dentist is…
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